Sunday, August 18, 2013

Project Cubbins: Hat Eighty-Four - Flowers in the Hair Edition

Day Eighty-Four / Hat Eighty-Four: Floral crown made of braided yellow flowers, ribbon and wire. Created by Cult Gaia at Levi's 1972-themed Party in Your Pants Music Festival in Topanga Canyon.

The photo on the right is of me an my brother Al sporting our floral crowns at the event -- it was his idea to adorn our hats with the crowns since the bright sun made the idea of sporting them bare-headed a non-starter.

After posting the photo to Instagram, my sister-in-law (the wife's sister, not the brother's wife) commented: "Damn hippies," which made me laugh heartily. After all, Al and I (and our kid sister who celebrates a birthday today) spent a good deal of our childhood (including 1972) being driven around rural Vermont in a blue and white Volkswagen bus by two parents who'd left the rat race of the big city to build a new life in the Green Mountain State.

Damn hippies, indeed.

PC 74: Fantastic Fedora
PC 44: Deere, John
PC  14: Lifeguard Lid

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